Why AdSense Temporarily suspended my account ? (2024 Solution)

Typical causes Invalid traffic results in the suspension of AdSense accounts. like if publishers click on the ads (Self Clicking) on their site or YouTube channel, or artificially (Using Bot for Clicks) inflate the impressions or clicks that the ads receive, either through automated or manual means.


It is important not to underestimate the suspension of your Google AdSense account. It’s a clear sign that something in your digital things doesn’t meet Google’s criteria. Furthermore, you risk having your AdSense removed if you minimize such a notice. But there’s no reason to worry about it. Inhale deeply and look into the issue in detail. Let’s examine the steps you need to do in this situation.

What mistake makes a Google AdSense account suspended ?

There could be several reasons why your AdSense account was temporarily suspended. Some common reasons include :

1. Invalid click activity : AdSense has strict policies against invalid click activity, such as clicking on your own ads, encouraging others to click on your ads, or using automated clicking software.

2. Policy violations : Violating AdSense policies, such as advertising restricted content, displaying ads on non-approved websites, or engaging in deceptive activities may result in account suspension.

3. Low-quality content : For AdSense, publishers must have high-quality content that provides value to users. If your website or content is deemed low-quality, it may result in account suspension.

4. Copyright Violation : Using copyrighted material without permission may result in account suspension.

If your Adsense account is temporarily suspended then there is no need to take much tension. There is a lot of difference between temporary suspension and permanent suspension.

Let Understand What is Difference between Temporary Suspension and Permanent Suspension.

1. Temporary Suspension: Temporary suspension is a temporary ban placed on your AdSense account due to policy violations or other issues. During a temporary suspension, your AdSense account may be disabled for a specific period of time(30 days or more), usually from a few days to several weeks. Temporary suspensions are often imposed for violations that Google considers less serious or for issues that can be resolved with corrective action.

2. Permanent Suspension: Permanent suspension, also known as account termination, is a more serious action where Google permanently disables your AdSense account. This happens when there are significant policy violations, repeated violations after warnings, fraudulent activities, or other serious violations of AdSense policies. Once an account is permanently suspended, it is generally not reinstated, and the decision is final.

How to Get Back on AdSense After Being Temporarily Suspended ?

1. Remove Ads : Remove all ads from your website and also auto ads, so Adsense will not be able to track any clicks or impressions during the suspension. this will make Google bot think that all the traffic is organic, then it will review your website and enable Adsense in given deadline.

2. Review AdSense policies : Carefully review AdSense policies and guidelines to identify any violations. Make sure your website and content comply with all AdSense requirements.

3. Contact AdSense Support : Contact AdSense Support for assistance. Provide them with any relevant information or documents regarding your website and content. They can give guidance on how to resolve the issue and provide specific instructions for restoring your account.

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4. Monitor account activity : Regularly monitor your AdSense account for any unusual activity or policy violations. Stay informed about AdSense updates and guidelines to maintain compliance and prevent future issues.

By linking AdSense with Google Analytics, you can know whether the traffic is organic or not or whether invalid traffic is coming.

5. Be patient : Resolving AdSense account issues can take time, so be patient throughout the process. Follow all instructions provided by AdSense support and continue to follow their policies to increase your chances of account reinstatement.

Be patient because when AdSense is temporarily suspended, a deadline is given to it from Google’s side and as soon as the deadline ends, Google automatically enables the AdSense account and ads start showing in your Website / Youtube Channel.

Read More :-why adsense CPC show 0.00?

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